Please contact ChemHub for more information and how we can make these pheromones for you.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 908-548-0790
Please contact ChemHub for more information and how we can make these pheromones for you.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 908-548-0790
Aliphatic chemicals with cis/trans double bond at position 10 are used as insect pheromones in many crops. They are synthesized from basic intermediate 10-Undecyn-1-ol. Not only we have expertise to manufacture 10-Undecyn-1-ol but also we have technology to make highly selective cis and trans isomers. We will discuss few of the pheromones in this following blog.
(E)-10-Dodecenyl acetate
(CAS No: 35153-09-4)
This pheromone is used for control of Spotted Tentiform Leaf-miner (Phyllonorycter Blancardella) found on Apple Trees. The insect is found in Europe and North America. Small quantity of E-10-Dodecenol is also required in Pheromone formulation.
(Insect and Damage done to Plant)
(Z)-10-Tetradecenyl acetate
(CAS No: 35153-16-3)
This pheromone is used for control of British Leaf-miner (Phyllonorycter Sylvella) and other Leaf-miner (Phyllonorycter Platini) found on Field Maple an ornamental flowering plant.
(Insect and Damage done to Plant)
CAS No: 72698-30-7
This pheromone is used for control of Yellow Peach Moth or Durian Fruit Borer (Conogothese punctiferalis) which infect Fruit trees like Peach Tree.
(Insect and Damage done to Plant)
(10Z)-Hexadec-10-enyl Acetate
CAS No: 56218-71-4
This pheromone ingredient is used in management of pest infecting wood producing trees like Oak Tree. The insects involved is Oak Leaf Roller (Pseudexenteria spoliana)
(Insect and Damage done to Plant)
(10Z)-Hexadec-10-enyl Acetate
CAS No: 56218-71-4
This pheromone ingredient is used in management of pest infecting wood producing trees like Oak Tree. The insects involved is Oak Leaf Roller (Pseudexenteria spoliana)
Please contact us at ChemHub for further information and availability:
ChemHub, Inc.
3 Crossman Road South
Sayreville, NJ 08872
Phone: 908-548-0790
Email: [email protected]
Interdependence is not unusual in chemical industry, rather a strategic alliance between two companies or partners is beneficial to undertake mutually dependent projects despite remaining in an independent space. Once two or more partners pool their respective resources, a separate business entity develops which helps in expanding the business into new markets, improve existing product line, develop new technologies and even an edge over the market competitors. Partnership indeed matters as it helps two parties to move towards a common goal that will be beneficiary.
Strategic alliance can be both informal and formal. Responsibilities of each member are clearly defined to make the coalition more effective. ChemHub has also entered into strategic alliance to undertake a specific, mutually beneficial project and make deliverables more comprehensive as well as effective. Our growth is thus phenomenal, taking us to new heights.
ChemHub maintains key strategic relationships with a number of research and manufacturing partners. The Company has strong experience in the Pheromone and Flavor & Fragrance industry.
With our CRO/CMO partners we deliver a number of services including Custom Synthesis, Process Development, Analytical/ QA Support, Consulting Services, Lead time optimization, Yield-Optimization, Purity, Reaction Time, Hypothermic Reaction, Green Chemistry, Process optimization and Product/Literature Search.
As a chemical supplier our partnership aims at Logistic Management including Import/Export and warehouse facilities, Custom Broking, Bulk Chemicals, Waste management and Transportation. We are deft at supplying aroma chemicals, pharmaceutical and specialty chemical intermediates. Our production is focused on Flavor & Fragrance and Pharmaceutical industries as well. With our CRO/CMO partners IN US, India and China, we are focused on small scale research and large scale production.
Not just pheromone products in ChemHub comprehensive list, we are open to exploring new chemicals relevant to various Pheromone Companies. We can work on new projects for our clients and help them use innovative chemistry to make new products.
We not only explore, but also customize new chemicals and pheromones with exclusive feedback from our end. Do not miss a grand collaboration with ChemHub to understand your capabilities and explore new opportunities.
9-Decyn-1-Ol (We are even looking into making the raw material inhouse)
10-Undecyn-1-Ol (We have developed the raw material in-house)
Alkenol to Dibromocompound followed by Dehydrobromination
Acetylene + Bromo alkanol
Alkyne coupling with protected Bromo alkanol
Protected Alkynol coupling with alkyl bromide
Alkyne coupling with protected Bromo alkanol
Protected Alkynol coupling with alkyl bromide
Propargyl alcohol coupling with alkyl bromide to get corresponding alcohol followed by halogenation or hydrolysis if required
Alkynoic esters
Methyl Heptine Carbonate
Methyl Hexine Carbonate
Methyl Octine carbonate
Alkyne coupling with Carbon Dioxide and esterification.
Working on a better scalable process presently.
Other Products (F&F related)
Milk lactone is a mixture of 5&6-Decenoic acid. CAS no: 72881-27-7
Damascenone can be made from Safranal and allyl magnesium bromide. CAS no: 23696-85-7
ChemHub Core Strength We have successfully made products for our customers through our expert handling of diverse chemical reactions Our strength lies in the synthesis of products through various chemistry on a large scale We offer distinct advantages in terms of Price, Quality, On-Time Delivery Other deliverables such as removal of unwanted impurity, better yields Our prime focus is to develop unique, robust process and innovate equipments to achieve extraordinary standard
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